Gene description for H2BC11
Gene name H2B clustered histone 11
Gene symbol H2BC11
Other names/aliases H2B/r
Species Homo sapiens
 Experiment description of studies that identified H2BC11 in T cells

Experiment ID707
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 28811610   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionAntibiotic-induced release of small extracellular vesicles (exosomes) with surface-associated DNA.
AuthorsNéth A, Orgovan N, Só BW, Osteikoetxea X, Páczi K, Szabóylor KÉ Vukman KV, Kittel Á TuriáL, Wiener Z, TóS, Drahos L, Véy K, Horvath R, BuzáEI.
Journal name Sci Rep
Publication year2017
SampleT cells
Sample nameJurkat cells - Control
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry
EV-TRACK EV170063: EV-METRIC:75%, 75%

Experiment ID710
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 28811610   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionAntibiotic-induced release of small extracellular vesicles (exosomes) with surface-associated DNA.
AuthorsNéth A, Orgovan N, Só BW, Osteikoetxea X, Páczi K, Szabóylor KÉ Vukman KV, Kittel Á TuriáL, Wiener Z, TóS, Drahos L, Véy K, Horvath R, BuzáEI.
Journal name Sci Rep
Publication year2017
SampleT cells
Sample nameJurkat cells - Activated
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry
EV-TRACK EV170063: EV-METRIC:75%, 75%

Experiment ID713
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 28811610   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionAntibiotic-induced release of small extracellular vesicles (exosomes) with surface-associated DNA.
AuthorsNéth A, Orgovan N, Só BW, Osteikoetxea X, Páczi K, Szabóylor KÉ Vukman KV, Kittel Á TuriáL, Wiener Z, TóS, Drahos L, Véy K, Horvath R, BuzáEI.
Journal name Sci Rep
Publication year2017
SampleT cells
Sample nameJurkat cells - Apoptotic
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry
EV-TRACK EV170063: EV-METRIC:75%, 75%
